Today, we are looking at access doors for the cam cleat internal halyard flagpole system. The access door frame has screws which, over time, can come out. Check your access door. Internal flagpoles offer safety, better looks, and quiet over their external halyard flagpole system counterparts. But with a faulty door, or lack of door, you are not getting the full value and structural integrity from your flagpole.
Internal Cam Cleat Flagpole
What are the advantages with deluxe internal flagpole systems?
Commercial Look
Better Flagpole Hardware
What are the disadvantages with deluxe internal flagpole systems?
More Flagpole Hardware to Manage
Once you learn how to manage the parts or hardware for your internal system, flying the flag with a deluxe flagpole only has benefits. And learning the parts and proper techniques are not that difficult. A great place to start, would be here. This diagram helps you put a name to all the parts on your flagpole. You may not need all the hardware listed there, but chances are you'll need to keep an eye on most of them. So how often should you replace parts?
This is a really great question we get. The obvious answer is, "when they wear out." But what does that mean? Winches and cam cleats take longer. Rope or cable should be at the top of your check list. If the cable is fraying or unraveling, you can cut the cable back and re-crimp. Rope needs to be replaced. Signs of wear on the outside could mean a great deal of wear on the inside you can't see. Typically, beaded retainer rings and swivel snap hooks (except for stainless steel) wear out between 2 and 4 years. Look at how bristle quality of the snap. See if there are any beads on your retainer ring missing.
You don't need to go out to the flagpole and check the parts every morning before work. But you can't leave your parts alone for years and expect them to do they job they did when they were new.