20 ft. x 30 ft. American Flag over TireBarn |
We are going to skip the obvious ones we all know. We're talking the Fourth of July, Flag Day, Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Labor Day, President's Day and all those other National Holidays. These are the days your neighbor will most likely say, "Really? I did not know that." There is no way to rank them, so we'll go in order from January through December.
1. February 19th: Coast Guard Reserve Birthday
The Coast Guard started a Reserve in 1939. Men and women within this organization today train 2 days every month and serve at least 15 active duty days.
This is a great day to fly a Coast Guard flag underneath the American Flag to show support for the Coast Guard Reserves who are Semper Paratus (Always Ready).
2. March 3rd: Navy Reserve Birthday
Navy Reserve members are called Reservists. There are several different reserve programs to choose from. Naval reserves dates back to 1915. It is a great time to put up your Navy flag.
3. American Legion Birthday
The American Legion's motto is, "For God and Country." These members are seated in communities through out the country. The organization is designed to extend the service into the community after military members have actively served. You can see memorial displays, graves marked, and other examples of American Legion involvement across America. The American Legion is a great institution and one of the older traditions we have, started in 1919. Retirement Service flags are a great way to show the neighborhood how you served and that you still serve the community as a part of the American Legion.
4. April 4th: Air force Reserve Birthday
The Air Force Reserve was founded rather recently, 1968. Although it is new, it is in many ways one of the more advanced sections of the military. The Air Force Reserve Command has 450 current and combat ready air craft that, if needed, could be deployed to a strike zone within 72 hours. To have this kind of efficiency and technology, the tactile teams at the Air Force Reserve have to be constantly ready and on call. Raise your Air Force flag to show some pride and respect for an institution dedicated to response in the event of a global crisis.
5. April 23rd: Army Reserve Birthday
The Army Reserve dates back to 1908. Currently (2013) there are 205,000 members in the Army Reserve. The Army Reserve started off as the Medical Reserve Corps. Put up an Army flag on your block.
6. May 1st: Loyalty Day
Most of the time, May rolls around and we start settling into spring. For many, May Day means spring clean up. For others it is Loyalty Day. Flying an American Flag on May 1st shows your loyalty to our country. A flag supports it's people and not personal agendas. That's why we just like people who fly flags.
7. 2nd Saturday - 3rd Sunday in May: Armed Forces Week
You can not go wrong during Armed Forces Week! A whole week to celebrate the branches of the military and the various members who keep the country safe.
3rd Saturday in May: Armed Forces Day
Armed Forces Week is capped off by Armed Forces Day. This is a special day that you can show how you served or are serving, or how your close relatives or friends have served. We fly a flag because we can; fly a flag for others.
8. June 14th: US Army Birthday
June 14th has one very obvious special meaning for Flag Flyers. It is Flag Day after all. Flag Day is a great time to fly any flag really. But June 14th is also the birthday for the US Army. It's a good day to put up the Army flag.
This we'll defend.
9. August 14th: US Coast Guard Birthday
In 1790, The United States formed the USCG (United State Coast Guard). During peace time, the Coast Guard is overseen by Homeland Security. However, during wartime, the Coast Guard is overseen by the Navy. This is the only branch which has a national and international code of law.
Semper Paratus. Always Ready to fly the Coast Guard flag.
10. August 29th: Marine Corps Reserve Birthday
The Marine Corps Reserves, Ready, Relevant, Responsive. Since 1916, this group has grown to over 40,000 members at 184 training centers across the country. Marine Corps Reserve train one weekend a month and two solid weeks a year. While they are not active duty Marines, they are trained and held to the same standards. August 29th is a good day to put up the Marine Corps flag.
11. September 18th: US Air Force Birthday
The United States Air Force began in 1947. With almost 5,500 aircraft, our USAF is the largest Air Force in the world. Salute the almost 500,000 people with an Air Force flag.
Aim High... Fly, Fight, Win.
12. 3rd Friday in Sept.: National POW/MIA Recognition Day
POW/MIA stands for Prisoner Of War / Missing In Action. Today this is the second most flown flag in the US. A fairly recent flag, this symbol was made in 1971 to represent those soldiers missing or captured during the Vietnam War. This was a movement lead by wives of soldiers who were missing or prisoner. The meaning of the flag has grown to include all past and current wars. Each year on the 3rd Friday in September, raise the POW/MIA flag.
The POW/MIA Flag will be flown on the grounds or the public lobbies of major military installations as designated by the U.S. Secretary of Defense, all Federal National Cemeteries, the Korean War Veterans Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the White House, the United States Post Offices and at official offices of the Secretaries of State, Defense and Veterans Affairs, and Director of the Selective Service System. Civilians are free to fly the POW/MIA flag whenever they wish.
13. October 13th: US Navy Birthday
Navy was one of the key factors in negotiating our freedom as a country. Without it, even in 1775, we would have never become a free nation. On July 4th, we celebrate that freedom. From the Revolutionary War to the bombing in Libya, the United States Navy has served as a key instrument on our behalf. The motto of the Navy is Non Sibi Sed Patriae meaning not for self but for country. Put up a Navy flag for those who serve and have served.
George Washington said, "It follows then as certain as that night succeeds the day, that without a decisive naval force we can do nothing definitive, and with it, everything honorable and glorious."
14. November 10th: US Marine Corps Birthday
Marine Corps is a part of the Navy, starting back in 1775. With over 200,000 active Marine Corps members, these men and women have been involved in every conflict around the world since the organization began.
Raise the Marine Corps flag this November 10th!
15. December 13th: US National Guard Birthday
Last but nor least, celebrate the birth of the national guard. The National Guard was built to establish a reserve for both the Army and the Air Force. For this reason, the motto for the National Guard is Always Ready. Always There. Get ready to fly a flag on December 13th to honor the National Guard.
Whatever reason you want to fly a second flag, use the Flag Finder to easily find the flag you want to fly. Take a picture and send it to us (support@flagdesk.com). We just like people who fly flags.