For a flag in high winds, flown 24 hours a day, 7 days a week the mission is not as much about the flag as it is about the flagpole parts. Better parts leads to longer flag life and TODAY WE PROVE IT. This flagpole was a standard one-piece commercial "entry series" flagpole. We swapped the truck on the top for a revolving truck. The job went well, we left feeling proud the flag was flying. Fast forward a year and nine months later...
The customer called and said the flag was starting to fray and she wanted to replace it. She had not touched the pole since we left it nearly two years ago. We wanted to see our work first hand and share it with you. Turns out the rope (1/8" PH8) was inadequate for the slightly over-sized flag. The halyard had warn in a few spots. While it could have lasted another 6 months to a year, we didn't want to take the chance. We replaced the halyard with 5/16" PH10. With a difference of less than 5 cents per foot, it only makes sense to upgrade.
We got a letter from Sam today:
I saw the video online and it is so cool to see the flag being replaced. Here is my quote below, if you guys want to use it or parts of it.
"I am so HAPPY with my flag and flagpole!! Flag Desk does such a GREAT job looking at the entire picture, considering the location, size, wind direction - it is amazing! When we drive by other flagpoles, we know our flagpole is the BEST!! We feel like knocking on the door and telling the homeowners to contact Flag Desk to get the right flagpole quality, size and put it in the right location. Every detail was considered when Flag Desk put our flag pole up, like how far the right size flag needs to be from the house and trees, what direction our eagle should face, longevity using rotating truck, snap covers and more - it was well worth it!! Our flag is flying high and is BEAUTIFUL!! Thank you, Flag Desk!!"
- Sam the flag flyer
It is one thing to claim something. It is another to prove it. Today we proved better parts means longer flag life. We hope you have enjoyed this video series!
For a look back check out these past videos on this series:
- Raising the flagpole into the sleeve
- leveling the flagpole with sand
- adding the snap hooks and covers
- raising the American flag
- How to string the pulley with the halyard
- How to tie the flagpole rope (halyard) together
- Proper way to attach the flagpole cleat
- Various types of flagpole trucks (pulley systems)
- How to find the best truck for you
- How to find the best ornament (ball ornament or eagle ornament)
- Proper way to install the flagpole truck and the ornament
- Nature of shipping flagpoles
- How to receive the flagpole / check for damages / properly sign cargo acceptance
- How to unpack the flagpole safely and without harming the flagpole
- Tips for flagpole storage
- Proper flagpole hole dimensions
- Proper way to mix concrete
- Proper way to set the sleeve
- How to install flagpole with a pedestal base with sonotube
- Picking a flagpole location
- Calling underground for a clearance safety check
- List of helpful flagpole installation tools
- How to pick the right height for your flagpole location