Tuscon, Arizona (thinking about warmer weather...) |
It's a new year! We've said goodbye to some very interesting 2013 moments. The beginning of January is both a time of reflection and a time of projection. As we put together a plan for the coming 2014, with budgets, taxes, and long term expectations arising out of the board room, the question on our minds:
How to see the flag flying at your company?
Perhaps this is the year to finally fix up your flagpole. Perhaps this is the year to finally get a flagpole. Perhaps this is the year to take your flag display to a whole new level. We know the flag out front is not a magic wand for business success. We know the flag is an effort, an expense-investment. But we also know, as an expense-investment, used properly, a flag can pay you back in a big way. This brings us to our 2014 mission.
Our goal in 2014 is to show flag flyers everywhere, whether they have a good source for flags and flagpole parts or not, how to maximize their flag display to both save time/money and value/impressions.
Happy New Year!