Friday, August 9, 2013

One of the country's most far-to-get-to-places, Northern Maine has a culture all to itself. The overwhelming vistas and food make it ideal for vacationing. They like to say, we are really cold, but we have really cheap lobster. But the ones who decide to stay, find a center up here that is quite remarkable, even with a sense of humor... You know you're from Maine if... you own more than four pairs of gloves or every other vehicle is a 4x4 or your central heating system is fueled by large wood logs (Thanks for the jokes!).

I love visiting a place, getting to know the people and then looking at their flags. The  State Flag of Maine is actually it's coat of arms on the same blue as you'll find on the American Flag. The flag was officially adopted back in 1909, although they requested an official flag back in 1901. So we are looking at just over 100 years of celebrating the official Maine State Flag!

So you think you know about the Maine flag, just take this quick (4) question quiz. And I even threw in a 5th question for extra credit. Don't know all the answers, check them out below!

  1. What is on the Maine Coat of Arms?
  2. What is the word inscribed above the shield and what does it mean?
  3. Any other words found on the flag?
  4. What is the star above the shield and what does it mean?
  5. Extra Credit! What other State flag has the same star?
Let's dive further! Why does the flag represent Maine so well? How are all these jokes about Maine so true? And how does all this tie Maine together?

Not to give it away, but there are two men on the flag. A farmer and a sailor. The answer is right in front of everyone who wakes up and heads out the door (or tent or camper) to Maine soil. There is a rich agricultural and marine community that coexists. And on the flag, in fact, the farmer is a symbol of pride in Maine's agricultural roots as the sailor represents Maine's strong ties to the sea. Two men from separate worlds both stand over land and sea, not only using, cultivating, and enjoying the land, but also protecting it. 

For those interested in the actual verbiage, here is what is says in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 1, Chapter 9.

  • a pine tree, 
  • a moose, 
  • land 
  • sea
  • a seaman with an anchor
  • a farmer rests on a scythe (a hand-gardening tool to mow grass or reap crops)
Answer to question 2: What is the word about the shield and what does it mean?

"Dirigo" means "I Lead."
North Star