Monday, January 14, 2013

It seems like recently, we've had a string of flagpole problem posts. It's not that we want to do it this way, we just go out and find what we find. If it is good, we congratulate, but if it is bad, we try and figure out where things went wrong. We call flagpoles without flags, Fallen Soldiers.

If your flagpole doesn't have a flag on it, you may as well use it as a street sign. We ran into this flagpole some years back. Ironically the flagpole is still inviting, just in a different way. Instead of in-motion signage, a static sign sits bolted to the dark anodized pole welcoming visitors.

In this episode, the flagpole is clearly in disrepair. The ball is split, the truck looks rusted out and the rope is missing. It would take just a few new parts to get this flagpole back to work:
  1. Ball Top Ornament
  2. Revolving Truck Pulley
  3. NWCH10 Wire-Center Halyard
  4. Swivel Snap Hooks and Covers
As we sat in front of this building, we noticed several people on break outside underneath the pole. They were talking and enjoying the sun. When we say "GIVE YOUR PEOPLE A FLAG TO FOLLOW!" We are talking about this opportunity. Taking pride in your facility will help your employees take pride in your business. It is called selling from the inside out. Maybe we have a lot of names for things, but it helps us remember our mission. To help people fly flags.