Flags of the Day: Joseph Hospital, Syracuse, NY @StJosephsHealth
It's a beautiful thing! We are here today in Syracuse, York, continuing the trail to see your community through the eyes of the flag. One thing every community needs is health care services. From being brought into this world onward, healthcare plays a prominent role in the well-being of its people. And most health facilities fly a flag.
We are at the dialysis center for St. Joseph's Hospital. They have three 50 ft. commercial aluminum flagpoles with internal mechanisms. These flagpoles fly the American flag, the New York State flag, and the St. Joseph's Custom Logo flag. Multi-flag displays, such as this one, tell a story of who you are. Flying the New York State flag lets people know St. Joseph cares about New York and not just a patriotic American flag. The custom flag shows people that they have arrived to the right place.
Do not underestimate the benefits health institutions have on the community. There is a saying, it takes a village. Healthcare is a significant part of every village.