We are at Martin Sprocket & Gear, Inc. in Des Plains, Illinois. This was our last stop through Des Plains and Rosemont. Not a bad way to end a flag run. Martin Sprocket & Gear, Inc. is a global company with locations throughout the Americas and Asia. From 1951, this company set out to produce quality parts from aluminum to plastic moldings. This location in Des Plains clearly shows a pride in their facility and employees.
Strategically located on the corner of Birchwood and Frontage Road, Martin can is visible from Manheim Rd (rt. 12/45). The company utilizes it's position and assets by placing three (3) 25 ft. vertical wall mount flagpoles at its Northwest corner. The building, some 25 ft. to 30 ft. tall add to the height of these flagpoles making them about 50 ft. each. That is the power of mounting flagpoles to the side of a building.
When mounting a flagpole to the side of a building, one of the key factors is flag replacement. How do you replace a flag on a building. The best solution is let the rope come to the ground along the building wall. The cleat can be drilled and placed anywhere. Martin chose to use cleat cover boxes for security. These flagpoles are finished well, with a professional commercial appearance as well as practicality and security.
We noticed the order of the flags was backwards. Typically the American Flag should face its own right, followed by the State flag, and then custom. With this setup however, changing this wouldn't take long at all. Also, we noticed the Martin Custom flag is double-sided digitally printed. This is a very heavy duty flag and in this case works well because there is a good amount of wind with the exposure of the flag about the roof line.
Martin's philosophy is simple.."Make a quality product, have plenty of it available and be easy to do business with!" And every flag flying company can learn a lesson from that.